
Lihong Zhang’s Portfolio:


This is my public portfolio for Telling Stories with Data at CMU! Here’s where all my cool work will go. You should probably hire me.

About me

Hi! My name is Lihong Zhang (She/Her). I have been an employee at Carnegie Mellon University since 2018. I enrolled in Master of Applied Second Acquisition program at Dietrich College in Auguest 2018 and graduated in December 2021. Following my graduation, I decided to pursue another graduate degree in Public Management at Heinz College to futher my knowledge on Technology, analytics and leadership practice.

In today’s digital world, the ability to make data-driven decisions and create strategy informed by analysis is central to successful leadership in any industry. I realized Data analytics is an important skill for institutions and businesses. I have taken data science related courses such as Database Management, Data Analytics with Tableau in previous semesters. And I plan to dive deeper into data anaylitics along the way.

What I hope to learn

Through the Telling Story with Data course, I hope to learn:

  1. designing data visualization more effectively;
  2. New tools and techniques for data visualization and analystics;
  3. New ways to represent data about my work.

I would like to deploy the knowleage I learn from this course for cost analysis and spend trend prediction, and ultimately provide leadership cost-effective solutions for business development. Image


Assignment: Visualizing Government Debt

Assignment 3&4: Critique by Design

Final project

Below section will be populated when the final project is developed

Part I

Part II

Part III